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Spacer Guided Pathways

Guided Pathways at RCC


Everything you need to run and market a business.

Academic and Career Coach
Abe Reyes

Financial Aid Advisor
Rose Passione

business pathway

RCC department in the Business Pathway


Click on a degree or certificate below to view all the courses required to complete each program, and what term(s) to take them in.

$ Denotes a program that is Financial Aid Eligible.

MTM - Business $ AAS - Business Technology: Accounting Option $ AAS - Business Technology Management: Marketing Option $ AAS -Business Technology $
AS - Business Transfer to SOU $ ASOT - Business - Associate of Science Oregon Transfer Degree $ C - Business Assistant $ CPC - Business and Information Specialist $
CPC - Customer Service $ CPC - Sales and Service $ CPC - Small Business Management $  

MTM - Major Transfer Map
AAOT - Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (2-year degree)
AAS - Associate of Applied Science Degree (2-year degree)
AGS - Associate of General Studies (2-year degree)
AS - Associate of Science (2-year degree)
ASOT - Associate of Science Oregon Transfer (2-year degree)
C - Certificate (1-year)
CPC - Career Pathway Certificate
FA - Focus Award