Search results for Building = "RWC-RC (Rogue Central)"

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Department Bldg. Name & Email Ph. # Ext.  Mailbox 
Student Learning and Success Administration  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Adair, Hollie (Director, TRiO-Educational Opportunity Center & Talent Search EOC/ETS)  541-956-7442  7442 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
TRIO/EOC (Educational Opportunity Center)  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Adair, Hollie (Director, TRiO-Educational Opportunity Center & Talent Search EOC/ETS)  541-956-7442  7442 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
TRIO/ETS (Educational Talent Search)  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Adair, Hollie (Director, TRiO-Educational Opportunity Center & Talent Search EOC/ETS)  541-956-7442  7442 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
TRIO/EOC (Educational Opportunity Center)  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Alves, Amber (Transition Specialist - TRIO Educational Opportunity Center (EOC))  541-956-7204  7204
TRIO/EOC (Educational Opportunity Center)  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Chickering, Donna (Transition Specialist - Educational Opportunity Center)  541-956-7226  7226 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Military Services  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Comer, Amanda (Military Service Specialist - School Certifying Official (SCO))  541-956-7177  7177 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Advising  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Johnson, Nikki (Director, Advising & Military Services)  541-956-7109  7109 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Military Services  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Johnson, Nikki (Director, Advising & Military Services)  541-956-7109  7109 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Student Learning and Success Administration  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Johnson, Nikki (Director, Advising & Military Services)  541-956-7109  7109 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Financial Aid  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Kieffer, John (Financial Aid Advisor)  541-956-7376  7376 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Advising  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Koenig, Nikki (Advising Program Coordinator)  541-956-7266  7266
Admissions and Recruitment  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Longoria, Nicole (Transition Specialist - Admissions and Recruitment)  541-956-7008  7008 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Admissions and Recruitment  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Malsberger, Tiffany (Director of Admissions & Recruitment)  541-956-7201  7201 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
TRIO/ETS (Educational Talent Search)  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Perkins, Stephanie (College & Career Advisor)       RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Advising  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Reyes, Abraham (Abe) (Academic & Career Coach (ACC/Advisor))  541-956-7463  7463 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Advising  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Tarrant, Lyndsay (Academic and Career Coach)  541-956-7396  7396 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Administrative Assistants & Support Specialists  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Woods, Angelica (Angel) (Administrative Assistant, Admissions and Recruitment/Call Center)  541-956-7411    RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Admissions and Recruitment  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Woods, Angelica (Angel) (Administrative Assistant, Admissions and Recruitment/Call Center)  541-956-7411    RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Events Calendar  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Woods, Angelica (Angel) (Administrative Assistant, Admissions and Recruitment/Call Center)  541-956-7411    RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Telephones  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Woods, Angelica (Angel) (Administrative Assistant, Admissions and Recruitment/Call Center)  541-956-7411    RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Advising  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Academic Advising Center (Grants Pass, Redwood Campus)  541-956-7192  7192
Advising  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Academic Advising, Main Office (Grants Pass)  541-956-7192  7192
Enrollment Services/Registrar  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  FAX, Enrollment Services (RWC)  541-471-3576   
Financial Aid  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  FAX, Financial Aid  541-471-3585   
Campus Tours-  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  For Campus Tours, see the Admissions and Recruitment department.      
Visual Arts and Design Department  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Gallery at the Welcome Center  912-655-6961   
Admissions and Recruitment  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Innis, Grant G. - Admissions & Recruitment - Transition Specialist  541-955-7537  7537 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
TTY/Voice  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Josephine County/Registration  541-956-7183   
Multilingual Staff/Faculty  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Multilingual- Spanish - Abraham (Abe) Reyes  541-956-7463  7463 RWC-ROGUE CENTRAL
Enrollment Services/Registrar  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Official Transcript Drop Off  541-956-7427   
Locations  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Redwood Campus, Student Services building is now Rogue Central (RWC-SS)      
Locations  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Redwood Campus, Welcome Center (RWC-Welcome Center formerly RWC-SS)      
Locations  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  Rogue Central (was the Welcome Center, RWC-WC, RWC-SS), Grants Pass(RWC-RC)  541-956-7217   
TRIO/EOC (Educational Opportunity Center)  RWC-RC (Rogue Central)  TRIO/EOC (Educational Opportunity Center), Main Office  541-956-7097  7097

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