Search results for Building = "RWC-H"

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Department Bldg. Name & Email Ph. # Ext.  Mailbox 
People Culture and Safety  RWC-H  see also Marketing      
Foundation  RWC-H  Ruby, Daniel W.  541-956-7294  7294
Locations  RWC-H  Redwood Campus, Hood building (RWC-H)      
Foundation  RWC-H  RCC Foundation Student Receptionist  541-956-7292  7292
Board of Education  RWC-H  Public Comment to Board of Education  541-956-7001  7001 RWC-H-PR
President's Office  RWC-H  President's Office, Main Office  541-956-7001   
Multilingual Staff/Faculty  RWC-H  Multilingual- French - Sara Bristol  541-956-7085  7085 RWC-H-CR
Marketing  RWC-H  Marketing, Main Office  541-956-7114  7114
Foundation  RWC-H  Foundation, Main Office, Email [email protected]  541-956-7327  7327
President's Office  RWC-H  FAX, President's Office  541-471-3591   
Foundation  RWC-H  FAX, Foundation  541-471-3591   
Marketing  RWC-H  Edits to public facing web pages  541-956-7073  7073
Marketing  RWC-H  Director, Marketing  541-956-7088  7088
Board of Education  RWC-H  Board of Directors is Board of Education at RCC  541-956-7001  7001
President's Office  RWC-H  Weber, Randall (Randy) (Rogue Community College President)  541-956-7001    RWC-H-PR
Marketing  RWC-H  Mitchell, Ryanne (Marketing Graphics Specialist)  541-956-7185  7185 RWC-H-CR
Administrative Assistants & Support Specialists  RWC-H  Lumpkin, Cara (Assistant to the Vice President, People, Culture, & Safety/CHRO)  541-956-7394  7394 RWC-H-PR
People Culture and Safety  RWC-H  Lumpkin, Cara (Assistant to the Vice President, People, Culture, & Safety/CHRO)  541-956-7394  7394 RWC-H-PR
People Culture and Safety  RWC-H  Harrington, Jamee (Vice President, People, Culture, & Safety/Chief Human Resources Off(CHRO))  541-956-7017  7017 RWC-H-PR
Foundation  RWC-H  Griffiths, Lindsay (Foundation Support Specialist (Accounting))  541-956-7327  7327 RWC-H-FND
Marketing  RWC-H  Gonzales, Kelly (Director, Marketing & Communications/PIO)  541-955-7525  7525 RWC-H-CR
Foundation  RWC-H  Executive Director, RCC Foundation  541-956-7327   
Marketing  RWC-H  Butler, Elizabeth (Liz) (Internet Strategist)  541-956-7073  7073 RWC-H-CR
Administrative Assistants & Support Specialists  RWC-H  Brown, Rachelle (Assistant to the President)  541-956-7001  7001 RWC-H-PR
President's Office  RWC-H  Brown, Rachelle (Assistant to the President)  541-956-7001    RWC-H-PR
Marketing  RWC-H  Bristol, Sara (Communications Strategist)  541-956-7085  7085 RWC-H-CR

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