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Rogue Community College Board of Education

RCC Board of Education

The Rogue Community College (RCC) Board of Education (Board) is a governance board consisting of seven (7) elected members representing Jackson and Josephine counties from designated zones in the voting districts. Board members serve four-year terms with no restriction on term limits. Board representatives do not have contractual, employment, or other financial interest in the College. One Board member representative also serves on the Oregon Community College Association Board each year, by appointment, along with board member representatives from the other 16 community colleges and the college president from all 17 community colleges in the state. New Board members must qualify by taking an oath of office before assuming the duties of office (ORS 341.326).

Board Policy:  The Board establishes, reviews regularly, revises as necessary, and exercises broad oversight of college policies, including those regarding its own organization and operation. Policies are created, revised and maintained in collaboration with college administrators.  Policies are reviewed monthly, section-by-section, or as needed when new or revised policies are required.

Student Educational Rights and Privacy Statement
Rogue Community College (RCC) serves all segments of society through an open-access admissions policy that offers equal and fair treatment to all students. If you are concerned about your immigration status or social position preventing you from attending RCC, please note that all faculty and staff must comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This is a federal law that requires confidentiality of students’ personal information.

Public Meetings Law Grievance Process
Effective October 1, 2024, the Oregon Government Ethics Commission is responsible for enforcing violations of public meetings law. If you feel there has been a violation of public meetings law, you must submit a written grievance to the Board of Education within 30 days of the meeting at which the alleged violation occurred.

Please submit written grievances to Rachelle Brown, Assistant to the President and Board of Education at [email protected] or by mail at 3345 Redwood Highway, Grants Pass, OR 97527. Written grievances may also be submitted in person between regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday in RWC H Building, Room 7.

For more information, please refer to the Oregon Government Ethics Commission.